First & Unique Detailing Platform for Healthcare.
Know our
CareBid transforms patient experiences by offering healthcare at a lower cost through a unique healthcare detailing services model.
We rely on our quality review process on reviewing the medical records posted by the patient for the detailing request. Also, we do a clear review on doctors detailing.
Every detailing request is one's life and is highly important to us. We have a deadline for every detailing request and we interact with the doctors and hospitals to speed up the process.
We are eliminating the middlemen and conducting healthcare at a lower cost. Affordable healthcare for the patients through our CareBid is our aim. Transparency with patients and doctors is our success mantra.
Step One
Patients need to sign up for post the detailing requests. In the same way, Doctors and Hospitals need to sign up in CareBid for detailing. We review every registered user data carefully before approving the user.
Step Two
Once the registered patient is approved by CareBid, the user can log in and post their detailing requests for healthcare. CareBid does a careful review on the request and after the approval, notifications are sent to the specialized Doctors in that requested category.
Step Three
Doctors do detailing along with a mandatory note. CareBid interacts with the doctors and patients and does a careful and transparent process for a successful and low-cost healthcare. The winning detailing is selected and CareBid takes care of a smooth and successful healthcare.
Process Flow
Know the
CareBid workflow process is only a few simple steps in which the records you provide during the detailing request are crucial. If you provide accurate medical records, more doctors will do detailing on your detailing request. You would end up with a successful low-cost healthcare. We participate in each step and review until the successful healthcare.

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